OSCAT > Ankündigungen / Announcements

move to a new server

(1/4) > >>

Hello community,
we move this evening to a new server. This is a improvement of our softwareversion of the joomla website. The forum is not changed but also moved to a new server. All content an permissions remain the same. The links are also the same.


The move is done, some minor german character failures (äöüß) are visible.
i will try to correct it.

Many threads and the content is not shown because of the character failures until now. we work on it.


--- Zitat von: asap am 06. Dezember 2011, 09:51:45 ---The move is done, some minor german character failures (äöüß) are visible.
i will try to correct it.

Many threads and the content is not shown because of the character failures until now. we work on it.

--- Ende Zitat ---

The move is finished. if you find any failures please feel free to send me a pm.

so wie es aussieht , kann man keine dateianhänge mehr von alten bestehenden mitteilungen downloaden

kann das jemand bestätigen ?


--- Zitat von: peewit am 09. Dezember 2011, 20:43:36 ---so wie es aussieht , kann man keine dateianhänge mehr von alten bestehenden mitteilungen downloaden

kann das jemand bestätigen ?

--- Ende Zitat ---

Zumindestens meine Beobchtung:

FF 8 oder größer  --> geht nicht.
FF 3.6 O.K.

Bitte testen.

Gruß Karl


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