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Themen - k2teknik

Seiten: [1]
I would like to use the smtp_client, but my company mail server can't be use due to demand cryptation, and the free mail services I can find on the internet have the same issue.
Do any one out there know a free public mail services that works with smtp_client?
Or do there exist a free mail relay program for windows that can accept mails from smtp_client and forward them to a mail server that demand cryptation?

Codesys 2 / Do the demo exist for Codesys?
« am: 05. März 2015, 22:43:28 »
I read in the PDF for network.lib that there should be some demo code for different cases, I would like to see the SMTP_CLIENT_DEMO, so far so good, but then it is written that the demo are hidden, and that is true because I cant find them for Codesys, I can find some code in the lib for pcworx but that code do not look to be compatible with Codesys?

My mail problem is how to login to the smtp server, where to put username and password.


Seiten: [1]