oscat.lib => oscat.lib fuer Step 7 => Thema gestartet von: Nedjeljko am 23. Januar 2008, 21:00:17

Titel: Library Insert to Step7?
Beitrag von: Nedjeljko am 23. Januar 2008, 21:00:17
Hi to all :D :D

...I find this site perchance :D and is wery usefull...
..now I have question..maybe is stupid question, but Im beginer in step7 ;)

How I can insert library in to step7 ??? ???


Nedjeljko - Croatia
Titel: Re: Library Insert to Step7?
Beitrag von: DLange am 24. Januar 2008, 19:54:42
there are some ways to do it.
The easiest is to dearchive the zip-file of the oscat.lib with the S7 manager.
Its the same as you use a normal S7 project.

After that you´ll see the different function folder, for exp. mathematical function.
In these folder you´ll find two further folders ´Source´ and ´Module´.
Now you can copy the FCs or FBs to your application.

Please,  have a look inside the SCL source code, here you can see if they are
some external function (FCs or FBs) called. If yes copy these FCs also to your S7
project, otherwise you´ll get a CPU fault.
Titel: Re: Library Insert to Step7?
Beitrag von: dalbi am 25. Januar 2008, 00:20:08
thanks DLange! greetings from poland.
