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Themen - karst

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Codesys 2 / FTP_CLIENT on Eaton stops after 4 kB transfer
« am: 11. November 2014, 12:08:06 »
I try to send a file from an Eaton HMI/PLC to a FileZilla Server.
This works for files smaller than 4 kB. With larger files the FB times out with ERROR_T = 16#05 and ERROR_C = 16#03DE0096. (step 990, last response 150 opening data channel).
I know this works OK with the WAGO plc's so I made a compare.
Attached the Wireshark en LOG_CL debug info for the EATON and the WAGO.
But I can't find the reason why the connection on the data channel in the EATON is "gracefully timeout", PLC_PRG.FTP_CLIENT.IPC2.c_status = 253. Please help.
For EATON test plc contact on pm.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

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