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oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Smtp_client Codesys-Somachine problem
« am: 28. August 2015, 14:02:39 »

I'm working with SP1.1 SoMachine V4.01, 1.30 lib OSCAT network and M241 PLC.
I'm trying to run the function smtp_client, but I can´t, always get ERROR_T 16#02 and ERROR_C 16#FF000000.
Other functions of the library as DNS_CLIENT, DLOG_FILE_TO_FTP and DLOG_STORE_FILE_CSV working properly.
I have also gained access to the email account with Blat.exe to ensure authentication.
Attached screenshots, please make responsible use of the email account.
I can also provide the code or Virtual Machine with which I am working.
Please any ideas?

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Seiten: [1]