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Nachrichten - radreg41

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« am: 26. Juni 2018, 15:24:42 »
Thank You so much for the feedback, Peewit!

« am: 21. Juni 2018, 23:55:00 »
Hi Peewit,

Greetings From Houston.

I have recently joined this forum and i glad that i found this forum.

As for my project, i am using ABB Codesys version 2.3.9 with PM573-Eth PLC. I have added your Oscat basic 333 and Network Lib_130. Also, i am using the demo program on the libray " DLOG_Store_File_XML". I loaded the project and i got an error as ERROR_C=1 & ERROR_T AS 1. Also, it is not saving the xml file on the path.

My questions are:

1. What should be the path address--- is it the path to the Plc internal address (ramdisk, userdisk?) or is it the path of the C drive of my computer?
2. Is this library compatible with ABB PLC? is it strictly platform dependent to Wago and TWIN cat?
3. DO i need to adjust the settings to be able to work on other vendor PLC's like ABB?
4. Right now, i have save the FTP addess as 21? Does it needs to be other value?
5. What does the ERROR_C=1 and Error_T referring to?
6. Do i need to change the Library version?

I will really appreciate your feedback.

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