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Nachrichten - shooter

Seiten: 1 2 [3] 4 5
oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: HX calculator
« am: 12. Dezember 2012, 20:34:33 »
If you are still interested, please write here or send me an email, i do have the routine written.

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: Oscat-lib für WAGO-IO-PRO 32 V2.2
« am: 12. Dezember 2012, 20:30:00 »
aber sicher, probiert erstmahl den normalen lib.
wenn das nicht klappt hole dirt den txt version die geht immer.

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / Re: FT_PT1
« am: 12. Dezember 2012, 20:27:04 »
etwas mehr bitte, stell mahl den K auf 1 dan rechnet man einfacher.
den K vom regler und vom FT block sinf andere werte.
shooter +31653300739

fur jurgen
the same as above, but i changed a line in the ain1 block
on bottom it says
IF sign THEN out:=out-out_max; END_IF
for you the same inputsignal is a DWORD

and this works.

fur riesermauf
The code is correct, however some adjustments are needed from your side.
The input should be a doubleword.
so add your code with WORD_TO_DWORD
please use a VAR as input and not just the %IW0,
in GLOBAL VAR use input at %IW0:WORD;
code max should be 4095 = 2^12-1 obvious
the input start at bit 3 and 12 higher -1 is bit14

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / Re: Meter_stat
« am: 18. Oktober 2012, 08:59:02 »
meter_stat is working, but the in/outputs should be correct.
If you care just send your PRO  or EXP via email ( and i will have a look at it.
yes i do a lot on 3s and as oscat is good in codesys i use it.
I am a wago fan (not working at them but have private company.

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / Re: Meter_stat
« am: 11. Oktober 2012, 09:26:59 »
ich sehe negativ werte am eingang spezial beim datum
erst das richtig stellen.
ich sah auch ein real_to_word umsetzung, das hat uberhaupt kein zweck.

janus ich bin auch hollander also einfacher in hollands,
je doet wat dingen fout met de data, en die omzetting moet je niet gebruiken, want die gaat voor grotere/kleinere getallen niet meer op.
ik kan niet het volledige plaatje zien, maar als je wilt dan kan je de *.pro of als *.exp mailen ,dan kijk ik ernaar

yes i found a way to write in matlab and program is codesys, there are conversion programs available.

make a SFC of it,
in the init please close all doors.
and yes i can write it if you like.
trans1 is outer sensor
trans2 is inner sensor
line1 will be
action open outer door
action close outer door
trans is if door closed or timer
action open inner door
action close inner door
trans is if door closed or timer
go back to init
same for trans 2 but now first inner door.

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / Re: CTRL_PI Problem mit PI-Regler
« am: 27. September 2012, 08:36:59 »
      Y := LIM_L;
      IF ki <> 0.0 THEN
         i := LIM_L - p;
         i := 0.0;
      LIM := TRUE;
this means that when the output is below limit the i will be -p (wrong)
then next round the i is used in the i calc
   i := (IN + in_last) * 5.0E-7 * KI * tc + i;
so the i will be 59.9 or something etc.

C and ST are alike so you can make it your thesis.
I do use matlab but only for the graphing
The rest i write in ST or FB.

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / Re: Schieberegister
« am: 28. Juni 2012, 22:29:50 »
Why not keep track of the bad part, this way you can cut just before the bad part
so in a memory pos you just put a counter on it and when counter is for example 97 you can make 3 pieces of 25 and 2 pieces of 10 this will save you material.
If you do have more in one meter you will have to use a array with counters.

man kan alles in de lib andern
hold den text version und benutze dies.
wenn man nur die kontakte umdrehen wolt dan kan man ein NOT dahinter kleben.

Mein english ist besser,
When du die matlab losung sendet an
dan mache dir eine program in Codesys twincat.

Es geht zum beispiel gut mit fuzzy logic. (habe das fur codesys)

oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys / DST for USA
« am: 11. April 2012, 12:36:21 »
found this one on PLCS.NET
please enhance the DST code as we are having more customers in USA.

Been looking for us version all week.
For the United States:
Begin DST: Sunday April (2+6*y-y/4) mod 7+1
End DST: Sunday October (31-(y*5/4+1) mod 7)
Valid for years 1900 to 2006, though DST wasn't adopted until the 1950s-1960s. 2007 and after:
Begin DST: Sunday March 14 - (1 + y*5/4) mod 7
End DST: Sunday November 7 - (1 + y*5/4) mod 7;
European Economic Community:
Begin DST: Sunday March (31 - (5*y/4 + 4) mod 7) at 1h U.T.
End DST: Sunday October (31 - (5*y/4 + 1) mod 7) at 1h U.T.
Since 1996, valid through 2099
(Equations by Wei-Hwa Huang (US), and Robert H. van Gent (EC))

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