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Nachrichten - cole_joos

Seiten: [1]
I am using the app password, and using an SMTP tester site to know I have everything correct into the block.

This is the rcv_text feedback when the block gets stuck on step 1110.
'530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. k15-20020a0566022d8f00b006d2d993c75dsm4301943iow.7 - gsmtp'

There are multiple TLS libraries available, will someone update this SMTP_Client function block to work with STARTTLS?

Hello, has anyone figured this out? I am trying to use the SMTP_CLIENT function block and it gets stuck on step 40..
I know this isn't the best, but I commented the conditional in the IF in step 40 "IF ssl_mode >= BYTE#1 AND TON_WAIT.ET > T#1s THEN"
and then it gets stuck on step 1110 and the rcv_text is "520 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.m41-20....... - gsmtp"

My URL is "TLS://"
I am able to ping with the device without issue.

What can I try to get this to work?
Do I have to find a SMTP server that uses port 25 without encryption?

Seiten: [1]