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Nachrichten - Ksanteri

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oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 29. August 2016, 07:38:16 »
I changed the password and tried..but the results were the same.
Hi, Learnetk!
After a lot of fruitless attempts I gave up with SMTP_CLIENT and got my system sending mail in other way. In may case this method fits at list.
I make my CPU saving a new string to the logging file on a sd-card whenever I want to send email. Then I used CPU as a FTP-server and make my computer automatically syncronize files between my computer and the CPU with free ftp-client I downloaded from internet and a simple batch file. Than I again set up a free programm monitoring a folder with logging file from the CPU and sending email if the file was renewed.
It is a bit hash, but works.

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 01. Juli 2016, 11:24:02 »
Hi learnetk!
Thank you for the pictures!
Peewit, what can you say about those errors?
By the way, learnetk, if I were you, I would change your email account password on something without "%"-mark. It probably could cause SMTP-mistakes I think.

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 01. Juli 2016, 06:12:28 »
Interesting, because I have tried our company DNS-server as well. The error was the same. May I have a look at your program? Can you send me a picture?

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 30. Juni 2016, 09:36:59 »
Hi learnetk!
Unfortunately I didn't.
It seems to me, as Peewit told, I have a communication problem I am not able to locate. Our local network sees the CPU (it is TM241C241 by Schneider E in my case), but the CPU is not able to connect to DNS server for some reason. I have tried DNS_CLIENT module, but it returns nothing (no mistakes, no results), like there is no connection to internet at all.((
I'm waiting the one person from Schneider E, who is now on vacation, for possible help with the communication problem...
How is it going in your case?

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 23. Juni 2016, 08:59:27 »
Thank you Peewit!
I'll check the communication.

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 22. Juni 2016, 14:30:46 »
By the way, Brendang, did you get Stunnel working with OSCAT?

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: SMTP_CLIENT Problems
« am: 22. Juni 2016, 14:26:02 »
I'm trying to run SMTP_CLIENT on SoMachine with TM241C241 as CPU.
SMTP_CLIENT returns an errors:
ERROR_C: 65280.
I think the problem is in SERVER variable: ''.
Could anyone check the syntax? Peewit?))
I neither was able to send an email with the same email-address ( by cmd.exe - see attached pictures.
But I'm able to send message by cmd.exe with, which is unfortunately SSL encrypted

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

The block can not establish TCP connection to the SMTP server

Cause: parameterization bugs or incompatibilities of your PLC

can you make a Wireshark recording?

Hello Peewit!

Can you help me, please?)

1) Do you have a description of SMPT_CLIENT block variables?
2) What should be written in SERVER variable? Format?
3) Any description fo OSCAT_BASIC.STRING_LENGTH type?

Didn't get how make new topic, so put my question here.

Seiten: [1]