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Themen - Frankeman

Seiten: [1]
PC WorX / Demo projects
« am: 17. September 2012, 13:51:27 »

Can somebody tell me where i can find the Demo Projects for the Network library.

With best regards, Frank.

oscat.lib fuer PC WorX/MULTIPROG / POU missing
« am: 15. April 2012, 23:38:01 »

When i downloaded the 3.33 version of oscat i noticed that the POU's TOD_TO_STRF and UTOD_TO_LTOD are missing.
They where available under version 3.32
Is this intended or are they forgotten?, i really use them.

Best regards, Frank.

oscat.lib fuer PC WorX/MULTIPROG / Problem with SUN_TIME
« am: 05. August 2011, 22:34:56 »

I have stange outputs when using the SUN_TIME functionblock.
When i set UTC to 1-8-2011 then
Midday = 7:39:36 
SunRise = 3:10:30 
SunSet = 12:08:42

When i set UTC to 2-8-2011 then (one day later)
Midday = 6:34:24
SunRise = 5:48:42
SunSet = 7:20:06

When i set UTC to 3-8-2011 then (another day later)
Midday = 5:19:04 
SunRise = 8:39:44 
SunSet = 2:00:24

I would expect some minutes difference per day not hours.
I noticed that the earlyest day i can set for the PLC's RTC = 1-1-2009.
Can somebody help me with this.

Latitude = 52.0
Longitue = 4.3
H = 0.0

Oscat 332
PCworx 6.10.105 (latest version)
ILC150 HW4 FW370 (latest versions)

Best regards, Frank.

Seiten: [1]