Autor Thema: Actuator_3P umgeschrieben  (Gelesen 8119 mal)

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Actuator_3P umgeschrieben
« am: 12. August 2015, 21:04:38 »
Hallo zusammen,
nachdem ich ziemlich lange mit dem Actuator_3p gekämpft hatte, habe ich ihn kurzerhand gekürzt und ein wenig für meine Belange umgeschrieben.

Ich habe einen 4-Wege-Mischer mit klassicher 3 Punkt-Ansteuerung (L,N,R) mit internen Endschaltern.
Ich habe mir 2 Magnetendschalter (SMC) mit einem Minimagneten im Drehknopf hinzugebaut und kann nun prima die beiden Positionen sauber abfangen.

Im wesentlichen habe ich nur noch eine Kalibrierung drin und nur noch zufahren, wenn nicht gebraucht.

Also sehr speziell für meinen Heizungsmischer.

Da ich viele gute Ideen hier im OSCAT gefunden habe, poste ich einfach mal meinen geänderten Code hier rein...
Vorsicht: Er nennt sich nun ACTUATOR_3PN, N=Neu
Ggf. findet der eine oder andere Gefallen und / oder Änderungen...
Ich habe versucht weitestgehend englisch zu kommentieren, bitte Nachsicht :)

(* @NESTEDCOMMENTS := 'Yes' *)
(* @PATH := '\/Engineering\/control' *)
(* @OBJECTFLAGS := '0, 8' *)
(* @SYMFILEFLAGS := '2048' *)
EN : BOOL; (* enable actuator *)
IN : BYTE; (* Signal Byte *)
END_CLOSE : BOOL; (* Terminating Close *)
END_OPEN : BOOL; (* Terminating Open *)
OPEN : BOOL; (* Signal for open-Valve *)
CLOSE : BOOL; (* Signal for Closing-Valve *)
POS : BYTE; (* Virtual Position *)
STATUS : BYTE; (* STEPS: 100/230 is good *)
ramp : _RMP_NEXT; (* lookup for direction *)
tx : TIME; (* the exakt time() *)
next_cal : TIME; (* next calibration pending ? *)
start : TIME; (* Every time we need timedeltas *)
bShutDown : BOOL; (* when EN is off we close the Valve, this is our Memory *)
T_RUN : TIME := t#80s; (* maximimum runtime of Valve, longer then time for endswitch *)
T_CAL : TIME := t#6h; (* permanently make Calibration *)
t_LockOut : TIME := t#5s; (* Lock for changing Direction too fast *)
T_RELAY : TIME := t#1500ms; (* Locktime for smooth change of relay-Direction *)

(* Original:
version 2.0 28. jan 2010
programmer hugo
tested by oscat

actuator_3P is an interface for a 3 point actuator.
a 3P actuator is a motor with 2 directions that drives a valve or flap.
the position of the valve or flap is controlled by runtime of the motor foreward or backward.
the available inputs are:
IN specifies the position of the actuator, 0 = 0% and 255 = 100%.

30.07.2015 Shrimps:
Special Version for heating-Mixers with 2 external Position-Switches
renew most steps
Implemented security: When disable, run close first !
If no switch, all will be based on Timers like the original code

(* @END_DECLARATION := '0' *)
tx := TIME(); (* read system timer *)

(* all steps will be done with these sequence *)
CASE status OF
0: (* Init, will start at Runup or called by Calibration *)
OPEN := FALSE; (* Power off *)
CLOSE := FALSE; (* Power off *)
ramp.TR := T_RUN; (* Fill ramp with default time rising *)
ramp.TF := T_RUN; (* Fill ramp with default time falling *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 5; (* do next step *)

5: (* Wait some time, better for Relay, perhaps comming from other direction *)
IF tx - start > T_RELAY THEN (* Wait *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 10; (* do next step *)

10: (* Closing the valve until Timeout or Position reached *)
CLOSE := TRUE; (* give valve power *)
IF tx - start > T_RUN OR END_CLOSE THEN (* Timeout or final Switch reached ? *)
CLOSE := FALSE; (* Stop down *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 20; (* do the next step *)

20: (* Wait some seconds to avoid damage of Motor or Relays *)
IF tx - start > T_RELAY THEN (* Wait for rewind, better for Relay *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 30; (* do the next step *)

30: (* opening Valve *)
IF tx - start > T_RUN OR END_OPEN THEN (* Timeout or Position reached ? *)
OPEN := FALSE; (* Off all Power *)
ramp.TR := tx - start; (* Uptime *)
ramp.IN := 255; (* set ramp pos to max value, we reached Openposition *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
STATUS := 40; (* do the next step *)

40: (* pause for some s its better for the relays instead to change direction immediately *)
IF tx - start > T_RELAY THEN (* Wait for rewind, better for Relay *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 50; (* do the next step *)

50: (* now closing the valve *)
CLOSE := TRUE; (* Close valve *)
IF tx - start > T_RUN OR END_CLOSE THEN (* Timeout or Position reached ? *)
CLOSE := FALSE; (* Stop power *)
ramp.TF := tx - start; (* TF to be filled! *)
ramp.IN := 0; (* Ramp position set to zero *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
STATUS := 60; (* do next step *)

60: (* pause for some s its better for the relays instead to change direction immediately *)
IF tx - start > T_RELAY THEN (* Wait some s for rewind, better for Relay *)
next_CAL := tx + T_CAL; (* Update Calibration Time *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
STATUS := 100; (* do next step *)

100: (* normal operation *)
IF NOT en THEN (* case of power off this module *)
status := 200; (* close the valve ! *)
ELSE (* standard operation: *)
bShutDown := FALSE; (* clear the closing-flag *)

(* check for auto calibration *)
(* no lookup for then nearest Position, because opening could make damage by heatings *)
IF tx > next_cal THEN (* we reached the next calibration-time *)
status := 0; (* full restart *)

(* do the full job now: *)
(* set ramp generator to IN *)
ramp.IN := IN;
(* Postitioning the valve *)
OPEN := ramp.UP ;
CLOSE := ramp.DN ;

200: (* Shutdown until Close-Position *)
status := 210; (* do the next step *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)

(* We closed the valve before ? *)
(* or is it closed ? *)
status := 230; (* wait for ENable *)

210: (* Close valve *)
CLOSE := TRUE; (* Power on *)
IF tx - start > T_RUN OR END_CLOSE THEN (* Timeout or Position reached ? *)
CLOSE := FALSE; (* Stop down *)
start := tx; (* keep Time in mind *)
status := 220; (* do the next step *)

220: (* Wait for relays *)
IF tx - start > T_RELAY THEN (* Wait some s for rewind, better for Relay *)
bShutDown := TRUE; (* we closed successfully *)
STATUS := 230; (* do next step *)

230: (* Shutdown finished, waiting for restart *)
IF en THEN (* we want to enable this FB ? *)
status := 100; (* go to normal operating mode *)


(* internal flap simulation and output activation *)
ramp(OUT := POS, TL := t_LockOut);

(* adjust position if end switch is active *)
pos := 255;
ramp.IN := 255;

pos := 0;
ramp.IN := 0;