For example pass these values:
- DT#2010-10-22-06:00:00 for parameter DTI
- 0 for MS (you don't need miliseconds to display a date, month and year)
- '#H/#D/#B' for FMT (see below for a list of available placeholders)
- 0 for language (no textual value for days or months, so the language does not matter either)
That should give you the requested result for this DTI value: '22/10/10'.
Below are the placeholders you can use in the FMT string.
#A 4 digit year number (2008)
#B 2-digit year number, eg (08)
#C Month 1-2 digits (1,12)
#D Month 2 digits (1, 12)
#E Month 3 letters (Jan)
#F Months written out (January)
#G Day 1 or 2 digits (1, 31)
#H Day 2-digit (01, 31)
#I Week as a number (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday)
#J Week 2 letters (Mo)
#K Week written out (Monday)
#L AM or PM in American date formats
#M Hour in 24 hour format 1-2 digits (0, 23)
#N Hour in 24 hour format 2 digits (00, 23)
#O Hours in 12 hours Format 1 - 2 digits (1, 12)
#P Hour in 12 hour format 2 digits (01, 12)
#Q Minutes 1-2 digits (0, 59)
#R Minutes 2 digits (00, 59)
#S Seconds 1-2 digits (0, 59)
#T Seconds 2 digits (00, 59)
#U Milliseconds 1-3 digits (0, 999)
#V Milliseconds 3 digits (000, 999)
#W Day 2 digits but pre-padded with blank (' a' .. '31 ')
#X Month 2 digits but pre- padded with blank (' 1' .. '12 ')
These placeholders will be replaced by the corresponding value as determined by the DTI parameter.